【中山道の桜】馬籠から妻籠への道のり :【Samurai Trail】Walking the Nakasendo from Magome to Tsumago(Gifu-Nagano, Japan)

I took a walk along the Nakasendo from Magome-juku to Tsumago-juku. The cherry blossoms at Ichikoku-tochi Tateba Tea House on the way were very beautiful.

00:00 タイトル(Title)
00:20 馬籠宿(Magome-juku)
00:30 木曽路(Kisoji)
01:09 水車塚(Water wheel mound)
02:00 梨子ノ木坂(Nashinoki-zaka Slope)
03:04 十返舎一九歌碑(Jippensha Ikku Monument)
03:13 木曽路(Kisoji)
04:21 峠の集落(Tōge Village)
06:48 熊野神社 (Kumano Shrine)
07:38 馬籠峠(Magome Pass)
08:05 木曽路(Kisoji)
09:48 一石栃立場茶屋(Ichikoku-tochi Tateba-chaya)
14:38 木曽路(Kisoji)
18:57 男滝・女滝(Male waterfall and Female waterfall)
21:00 木曽路(Kisoji)
21:46 倉科祖霊社(Kurashina Soreisya)
22:18 下り谷集落(Kudaritani Village)
24:36 木曽路(Kisoji)
28:33 庚申塚(Koshinzuka)
30:18 大妻籠(O-tsumago)
36:59 木曽路(Kisoji)
41:24 妻籠(Tsumago)
