Wild Winter Activity ” The Grace of Japan, TOCHIGI ” 栃木県

日光国立公園で体験するプレミアムな冬。森 の中でのスノーシュー、雄大な白い景色の中 でのスノーボード、氷瀑の前に佇む日本旅 館、新鮮な冬の味覚。Wild Winter Activity, TOCHIGI.

Premium winter experience in Nikko National
Park. Snowshoeing in the woods,
Snowboarding in the magnificent white
scenery, Japanese Ryokan standing in front of
the icefall, Fresh winter taste.
Wild Winter Activity, TOCHIGI.

心の豊かさを上質に満たす「The Grace of Japan, TOCHIGI」。

“The Grace of Japan, Tochigi” Where its peaceful nature and
majestic historical culture will melt your heart.
