Japanese Conveyor Belt Sushi Menu – Cheese Burgers, Steak, Ramen?

Japan’s conveyor Belt Sushi restaurants called kaitenzushi 回転寿司 in Japanese are a favorite with everybody. Yes, I said everybody! From babies and young kids, pregnant mothers and people who can’t eat raw fish, kaitenzushi is the answer. You can find something to eat here.
These conveyor belt restaurants are now all around the world but in Japan, the menu is huge!

Today, we’ll try all the non-raw items we can eat and see if it’s as good as the traditional sushi. It’s not a fair comparison but it’s a chance to see if this could satisfy a food critic – Jennifer Julien!

Kura Sushi Menu
URL: http://www.kura-corpo.co.jp/en/

Jennifer Julien’s YouTube channel:

ONLY in JAPAN is a registered trademark and all rights are reserved.

This show has been created and produced by John Daub ジョン・ドーブ. He’s been living and working in Japan for over 21 years and regularly reports on TV for Japan’s International Channel.